Released 17. March 2019
I live in cinema. I feel I’ve lived here forever.
Agnès Varda
- Export a MoviePrint
File path, column count and the selected frame numbers are saved to a JSON file. This lets you restore a MoviePrint at a later time viaImport MoviePrint
. - Embed data when saving a MoviePrint (PNG only)
File path, column count and the selected frame numbers are embedded into the PNG file. This lets you restore a MoviePrint at a later time viaImport MoviePrint
. Embedding the data is activated by default. This can be changed in the settings menu. - Import MoviePrint
Restore a MoviePrint by importing a previously exported JSON or PNG with embedded data. In case the movie location has been changed, useReplace Movie
to point to the new location. - Clear movie list
- When clicking SAVE on the thumb, the image is now saved to the location specified in the settings menu

Version 0.1.16 alpha
Released 13. March 2019
I live in cinema. I feel I’ve lived here forever.
Agnès Varda
- Support for editing multiple MoviePrints per movie
- Adding, duplicating and removing MoviePrints
- Switching between grid view and timeline view
- Replacing a movie
- Adding and removing movies from the list
- Expand a scene/thumb to dive further into a movie
- Hide scenes in timeline view, similar to hide thumbs in grid view
- Handling of thumb images, which should result in a performance improvement
- Movie list look
- No more limitation when the settings menu is open
- Updated npm packages
- The application state now gets stored in an sqlite3 database which supports larger sizes. Before, reopening the application could result in loss of data when the state got too large due to lots of shown thumbs for example.
- The frame scan data gets now also stored in an sqlite3 database which should result in a performance improvement when handling long movies.
- When adding movies a thumb version is stored which can be limited in size. See settings menu. The default is 640px in width or height. This saves space and should improve performance when handling a large amount of thumbs.
- When MoviePrints get saved, the images are now captured life. This compensates for only capturing smaller versions in the first place. This should be equally fast.
In case you have used the previous version please do Menu -> View -> Reset application
the first time you startup the new version.