Released 26. June 2019
I live in cinema. I feel I’ve lived here forever.
Agnès Varda
- Option to check for a new version of MoviePrint
- Option to cancel shot detection when running it for the first time
- Toolbar which exposes the most needed options in one click
- Add a shot detection based MoviePrint
- Add an interval based MoviePrint (with 2×2 – 6×6 presets)
- Switch between Grid and Timeline view
- Switch between Standard view and Player view
- Switch between Thumb and Cut view
- Zoom options
- Show header and frame info
- More options can still be found to the left in the
Movie list
or to the right in theSettings menu
- Integration and reliability of feedback form
- Tooltips and toast messages
- More reasonable default column count for shot detected movies
- A couple of small bugs